I have decided to look at things a different way this year. Instead of making unattainable goals in January and feeling like I have failed them come December, I'm starting with another plan: set the goal, but also chart the course to make it a reality.
I have come up with a few ideas to push myself when it comes to my writing, and am determined to make some very specific progress. I have book ideas that still languish in the recesses of notebooks and my BlackBerry that must either be pursued or used for a jumping-off point for something else.
For a while in 2009, it was easy to look around at others who seemingly "had their stuff in one sock" and were making things happen for themselves. It was also easy to be quite snarky when these people would blog and Tweet about all the progress they were making in their lives. "They're doing what I want to do!" I whined. But deep down, I knew I had no one to blame but myself for the progress I wasn't making.
So, no more whining. I will give my ideas the shot they deserve, even if no one else does. No, I probably won't make the bestseller list this year, and I'm certain I won't have as many frequent flyer miles as I'd like (okay, I'm guessing I won't have any...), but that doesn't mean my work is less important than anyone else's.
I will let my writing and other projects speak for themselves!
Even if they sometimes turn out to be total garbage. :-)
Happy No Fear!