Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Don't have much time to write today, but felt it was necessary in order to form a habit of posting to this blog more often than once every 8 months.
I feel sort of inadequate with the posting. Let me explain:
I'm not trying to quit smoking. I've given up on radical weight loss (I'm now just perfectly willing to wear more black, which is very slimming). I'm not swearing off caffeine, nail-biting, or chocolate. (Lord knows, that last one would kill me.)
For the first time in a LONG time, I'm not on my "all-men-are-scum" tirade and I'm not sitting around designing bumper stickers that say "Help Stamp Out Toxic Men in Our Lifetime". (But that's not to say I don't still have a sketch around here somewhere left over from the old days.)
I'm no longer putting off my life and am going back to college to earn not one, but two degrees. I'm not putting up with people who aren't good for me to be around, either. (Bad habit - I don't recommend it for anyone.) Control freaks need not apply to be my friend/significant other/order-taker at the drive-thru. I guess, for the first time in my life, things are as they should be. It's a nice feeling. I have a guy I'm crazy about who returns the sentiment. I have great friends who love me for me. I have the two coolest kids on the planet (yes, I'm biased - get over it). I have a job I like. And I'm going to school to finish something I should have a long time ago. All is right with the world.
It's strange for me. I'm used to SOMETHING being wrong. Too much fighting with the significant other. Too much stress at work. Too much worrying over not looking like ______(fill in the blank with the model of the month here). Too much concern over what someone else thinks of me. Everything is good. I can let out the breath I've been holding for thirty-something years. aaah.

Um...so, when does the other shoe drop?

Maybe I haven't made that much progress after all.

(All rights reserved - Copyright 2005)

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