Monday, October 03, 2005

Hello again.
I know, it's been awhile. What with raising two kids, working full-time and becoming a full-time student since my last posting, I've been a tad busy. Cut me a little slack, wouldja?
Instead of this being a "what's bothering me" post, it's a shout-out (of sorts) to someone I'm very proud of. (Not that I don't have anything bothering me, but we can get to that later.)
I have a dear friend who is going through a rough time of it now, enduring a breakup and asking herself a lot of tough questions about what she wants out of life. This is especially troubling to watch because she's always been one of the most pulled-together people I know. And to see things go any way but great for her...well, it simply isn't fair. (I know, a fair is where they sell cows, or whatever the phrase is...)
She is fun, self-assured, not willing to be someone else she isn't just for the sake of pleasing others, cute, sassy (as my 6-year old would say), SMART, cool, and an all-around good person. Why there isn't a line of men longer than the Walgreen's Viagra prescription list waiting outside her door begging her to give them two minutes of her time is beyond me. (I honestly think the men are scared. SCARED, I tell you. Bwak Bwak - make the appropriate chicken/yard fowl noises here.)
Nevertheless, even though she may not think so, she is dealing with the whole breakup issue with grace and style, as usual. I'm so proud of her for never being scared of the unknown. That's one thing I've learned from her - not to be scared of things. She has no idea the lessons I've learned from her just by being around her, but there are many. (These include how to say 50 Cent in French, the fine art of baking banana bread in a can, that Star Jones can really get under one's skin, that there is a German version of "Rock Me Amadeus", that "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" is a great book, and everything is made better with a little British chick lit.)
So, while I'm not equipped to find her a man whore or help her with her new Pilates addiction, I can offer a few words of support and the occasional Tall Non-Fat Vanilla Latte.

J - I'm proud of you for being you.

(All rights reserved - Copyright 2005)

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